Action Platformer Somber Headed to Steam Q1 2022

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By Billy Givens on November 18th, 2021


Atmospheric action-platformer Somber will make its way to Steam in Q1 2022, courtesy of indie studio You Will Get There.

A quick glimpse at Somber and its melancholy, minimalist art style is all it takes to be reminded of a game like LIMBO, and that makes perfect sense considering that You Will Get There has publicly acknowledged the similarities. Their press release for the new game even asks “What would happen if Tim Burton developed LIMBO but added in the gameplay mechanics found in the Ori series?” Somber very clearly aims to find out, and so far, it’s shaping up to be a unique entry in the platforming genre.

Somber takes place in the dark and dreary world of Gloom, but that doesn’t mean everything or everyone there is depressing. As a matter of fact, the game’s main character is a deadly creature whose only goal is to somehow makes things right and help people. In order to do so, players will navigate them through the world by rolling, bouncing, and climbing. With striking visuals and pinpoint platforming, this one is shaping up to be an intriguing title worth keeping your eyes on.

Somber doesn’t have an exact release date or any information about pricing yet, unfortunately. You Will Get There has promised the game in the first quarter of next year, though, so we can likely expect some additional news soon. For now, you can go ahead and wishlist the game.

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