Terms of Use

Last updated 2020-08-25

These terms define the use of and access to Retroware and its forums (“the site”). By using the site, you agree to these terms; if you do not agree to the terms, do not use the site.

Community Guidelines

Retroware is a welcoming community. Before creating an account or posting content, you must agree to and warrant that you will comply with our community guidelines, available here.

User-Submitted Content

Users are allowed to submit content for review to be posted on the site. By providing a submission, you warrant that you are 13 years of age or older and hold the appropriate copyright for the content you are submitting. If you believe something has been posted on the site without creator consent, please email [email protected].

All submissions are subject to review; submitting content does not guarantee that the content will be posted.

User submissions are not commissions; no monetary compensation is provided. They are intended to provide a way to share something you made or, with permission, something you love with a wider audience. Do not begin a project with the sole intention of “working for exposure”.

Submitted content may not represent the viewpoints of Screenwave Media, Inc.


Our Privacy Policy is available here. By using the site, you also agree to the terms laid out in the privacy policy. If you do not agree, do not use the site.