Indie games make everything better and Nintendo made sure today was an especially great day. Several new indie titles were announced during Nintendo’s Indie World stream, and new information was provided for titles we already know and love. Retroware has prepared a recap, along with details on everything discussed during the showcase. For your convenience, there are links in each entry’s description so you don’t have to search for the games you want to see footage of the most.
Road 96

A procedural narrative game that’s taken inspiration from road movies of the 90s, according to developer Digix Art. It looks colorful, imaginative and as unique as I’d expect from a game built on passion.
During the livestream, two members of the development team shared some insight on the game and development process. They said, “We put everything we love in road trips: strong emotions, surprises at every turn … This game, it’s travel memories that we’ve made just for you.”
They went on to say, “But where we’ll take you, no one knows, cause your road is your own.”
Road 96 looks super good and I’m anxious to take this always changing and never-ending road trip myself when it launches later this year. See the visual style for yourself so you can prepare for this road trip adventure.
Never Yield

There are so many things going through my head while I watch this footage but the most common themes are excitement and admiration for Aerial_Knight and his creative process.
Never Yield was created by developer Neil “Aerial_Knight” Jones, who sought to create something familiar but also different, new, and unlike anything else we’ve seen. It’s a slick and stylish narrative runner that’s set in a futuristic Detroit, where you’ll fight for its future by running, dashing, jumping, and sliding through 3D environments.
While talking about the game Aerial_Knight said, “I created this game in Detroit to make space for myself in a game industry which previously refused to make space for me.”
I intend to do everything within my power to support this project and others from diverse creators. I want a world where everyone gets a voice and that includes the video game industry.
The graphics look sharp, colorful and just stunning. I can’t believe how good this looks. The music is from Detroit artist “Danime-Sama” with vocals from other artists located all around the world. Everything is working in tandem to create this world I can’t wait to save, while looking cool and taking in the surroundings and sound effects.
You can witness the spectacular visuals in the trailer or experience it in a demo that drops on Nintendo Switch later today.
Last Stop


Not much is known about these two games other than they’re coming out of Annapurna Interactive and they’re narrative experiences. I’m looking forward to new information on both of them and can’t wait to play them. Seeing Annapurna Interactive attached to these gives me confidence in their quality because they’ve never published something bad.
Last Stop releases July 2021 and Hindsight comes out later this year. You can catch a glimpse of both games in the Indie World Showcase but you’ll end up with more questions than answers like the rest of us.
Olli Olli World

I don’t think anyone was expecting an action platformer skateboarding game that takes place on a colorful and lively island but Olli Olli World is brining it Winter 2021. It’s releasing at a perfect time too since I know I’ll want to skate past plump bumblebees and towering trees when snow and ice are covering everything outside my house. Olli Olli World looks like something I’ve always wanted to play and somewhere I’ve always wanted to go but just didn’t know. Go off the rails and see the beautiful footage in action in the Indie World stream.
The Longing

I’m hoping The Longing ends up being as good as its potential. I’m sure it will be and we can find out for sure tonight when the game launches on Nintendo Switch. It takes place across four hundred actual days where a servant is waiting and surviving while they pass the time. This looks weird and maybe less fun compared to the other games at first glance but I legitimately think this will be a part of the ‘Game of the Year’ discussion at the end of the year. It looks unique and I can’t wait to play it later. See for yourself and, if it looks like something you may like, head on over to the eShop to purchase it since this is likely already available if you’re reading this.
There is no game: Wrong Dimension

There is no Game: Wrong Dimension is a point and click comedy adventure with puzzles and a story beneath all the antics. It releases later today and looks really special. This is definitely something I’ll be checking out.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge was previously announced for other platforms and, while we don’t have a release date yet, we do know it will also be on Nintendo Switch when it launches later this year. It looks like everything we’ve all wanted from the turtles since Turtles in Time was removed from XBLA and PSN. There’s already some great information available on this title and it should definitely be on your radar if you’re a fan of turtles and/or beat ’em ups.
Cris Tales

Cris Tales takes inspiration from classic and new JRPGs. It has sharp, colorful, and vivid art style. It also features a time travel mechanic that can be used during battle, which I’m especially looking forward to seeing in motion when it releases later this year on July 20. Check out the footage and see if this is something you need to wish list so you don’t miss it with the constant additions on the Switch eShop.
GetsuFumaDen: Undying Moon

A new game from Konami and from a older franchise? Sign me up. I’ve never heard of this IP but am very ready to play it when it comes out next year. It looks incredible. It’s a fast-paced hack-and-slash roguelite with dungeons, boss battles, and intense combat. I can’t wait to learn more about GetsuFumaDen: Undying Moon.
Aztech Forgotten Gods

Aztech Forgotten Gods takes place in a world influenced by Aztec and futuristic technology. It looks like nothing I’ve ever seen. It looks like a unique experience and developer Lienzo says it will be an action-filled experience. It looks like there will be exploration spread in between big battles in this different and interesting world. We will probably learn more soon since it’s releasing Fall 2021.
Skul: the Hero Slayer

Skul: The Hero Slayer is an action-platformer with roguelite elements from South Korean developer Southpaw Games. You get to change your abilities by swapping heads with enemies. It’s like Kirby but from hell. This looks like a must-play and thankfully releases Summer 2021.
Sneak Peek Montage with several games

Several neat indies were announced in a little montage with less information given but we still got to see a little bit of them as they flashed by. Some of these release sooner than later (including Fez later today!) but some of them are a little further away.
- Art of Rally releases this summer
- KeyWe releases August 2021
- Labyrinth City: Pierre the Maze Detective releases Spring 2021
- Weaving Tides (pictured above) releases May 2021
- House of the Dead Remake (SO EXCITED) releases later this year
- Ender Lilies: Quiets of the Knights releases June 21, 2021
- Beasts of Maravilla Island releases June 2021
- And yeah, Polytron’s Fez releases on Switch today! Check this one out if you didn’t on Xbox, PC, or PlayStation!
Here’s a link to where the montage starts. We don’t have any details on these yet and can only guess what the games will be like from watching. They all look really good though and we will be looking forward to learning more about them. I would really recommend checking the montage out because you’ll probably be just as excited as we are for these games.
Oxenfree II

This was a big surprise. The announcer said it was over after the montage but then in classic Nintendo fashion, we got one more announcement. Oxenfree II is not only coming out but it’s also coming to Nintendo Switch. I think the easiest way for me to communicate just how much I loved the first game would be to tell you how many times I’ve purchased this game.
I have purchased Oxenfree on Switch, Steam, Epic Games, PlayStation, Xbox, and Switch. That’s not a typo. I bought Oxenfree both digitally and through Limited Run Games for Switch. It is a very good game and very much worth playing. The first game was as enduring as it was scary. It starts with some friends heading to an island and camping near a cave but things take a very dark and ominous turn very quickly and only escalate from there. Do yourself a favor and play this game as soon as you can so you’re ready for the sequel when it launches later in 2021. If you need further convincing than me owning six copies of it then check out the footage for the sequel.