Paper Plane Game Lifeslide Glides Onto PC This August

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By Billy Givens on May 11th, 2021


The team at Dreamteck has announced that their paper plane flight adventure Lifeslide will be making its way onto Steam on August 6, 2021.

Lifeslide was previously exclusive to iOS via the Apple Arcade and received generally favorable reviews, but the PC version has a handful of meaningful changes incoming that should help to make it even more engaging for players. Dreamteck is promising that the Steam release will feature plenty of fully remade levels, updated overall gameplay, an improved user interface, online versus modes with leaderboards, and more. Additionally, fresh features will come in post-launch updates, including entirely new modes.

As a game with no dialogue or narrative, Lifeslide is focused on a feeling of whimsical adventure and personal emotion, leaving the player to decide what to make of its various story missions. The levels are procedurally generated to give each playthrough its own feeling, and while the original release offered only 16 total missions, Dreamteck have added 12 more over the past two years to bring the total up to 28 โ€“ and that’s before factoring in the endless flight Zen mode. All of this content will be available in the Steam release with notable upgrades.

Lifeslide should offer a unique experience for those picking it up on Steam in August, but if you’d like to take it with you on the go, don’t forget that the game’s original iteration is immediately available on Apple Arcade.

Billy will always claim he didn't intentionally get the platinum trophy in Snoopy's Grand Adventure, but he's lying.


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