IMMORTAL: Gates of Pyre Massively Exceeded Kickstarter Goal

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By Billy Givens on April 20th, 2021


The team at SunSpear Games is undoubtedly cheering this week, as their Kickstarter campaign has ended having surpassed its funding target significantly, giving them everything they need โ€“ and then some โ€“ to craft their free-to-play strategy game IMMORTAL: Gates of Pyre.

The campaign, which started last month, only took 4 hours to surpass its initial goal of $31,337, meaning it had been actively exceeding the requested amount for its full 30 day run, ensuring multiple stretch goals were accomplished. Yesterday, however, its run ended having made a whopping $151,932 from over 2,000 backers.

SunSpear Games has promised that IMMORTAL: Gates of Pyre is aimed at being inviting to both new and veteran real-time strategy players, stripping away many of the elements of the genre that can be thought of as chore-like. This streamlined approach should make the game considerably more appealing to a larger demographic, hopefully expanding the genre to a mainstream crowd. You can get a good idea of the team’s vision for achieving this in the video above.

A closed beta for IMMORTAL: Gates of Pyre is expected to launch later this year and will be followed by an open beta at some point in 2022.

Billy will always claim he didn't intentionally get the platinum trophy in Snoopy's Grand Adventure, but he's lying.


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