Mike DeVillarMike DeVillar

Mike DeVillar is a writer/editor that's stumbled his way into the games industry, as well as a lot of places he shouldn't be getting into in general.
  • devillarsinthedetails
  • Revisit Your Teenage Years in Gitaroo Man

    The PS2 has a ton of tucked away, hidden gems. Among them is Gitaroo Man, a rhythm game that stands as one of the best the genre has to offer with a relatable take on being a teenager.

    The Art of the Game Opening

    A strong opening cinematic can do more than act as a sizzle reel for a video game, but also set the tone and become memorable in their own right as part of the experience.

    We’re Back!

    Welcome to Retroware! We’ve got a little bit of the old, a little bit of the new, and a fresh direction we’re taking the site.

    Delayed Exposure: Umurangi Generation

    Umurangi Generation is a game about photography and deliveries set in a future where things are going from bad to worse. So why not throw a song and have a good time?

    Uncovering Meaning and Self In Xenogears

    Xenogears is a game that has a lot to say, but doesn’t always have the elegance to get it across. Taking a look at all its philosophy, let’s break down some of its messages and figure out why the game sticks with people long after playing.